My favoritist song ever. . . this week

Question, by the Old 97s. I heard it at my friends S and S’s wedding in December and fell in love with it. Finally downloaded it yesterday and put it on my “running mix 2/2005” along with Bitterest Pill by the Jam, Shaggy, and Nu Shooz. It made me...


I know blogs are personal journals and you aren’t supposed to care what other people think blah blah blah but seriously though, some blogs are queer. I don’t mean in the queer as folk, queer eye sort of way, but in the totally high school sense of queer. I...

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What happened to haloscan? I am so confused. It just went away after that last post! Argh. Time to study anyway so who cares if haloscan doesn’t love me. I still have my...