Those who are regular readers of this blog know that I am a blogging moron. I spent several hours updating my blogroll, only to think “hey, wouldn’t it be neat to change my template!” which ended up deleting everything that I had added. You also know that just about every other aspect of this blog has remained the same since the day I began it, except for my profile (which my husband changed about six months after we moved from New York to Maryland). Anyway, today, I was forced to use ‘modern technology’ and turn on word verification for the comments because really, I do not believe that the twelve people who have Valentine’s Day blogs were perusing my site in search of ideas. Since these comments pop up in my e-mail (yeah, I finally figured out how to do that too) they are starting to get annoying. It doesn’t make me feel warm and loved anymore. Instead, its like “ohhh look at all the comments-ohhhh. . . sad now”. I personally hate word verification. It steals precious seconds of my life and makes me forget the witty comment I had carefully crafted. But, now I understand that it must be done.

The internet world really is two steps forward, and two steps back. For every good thing that comes along (blogging) some sucker has to go and make it, well, suck. Now, I defy anyone of those fake notguilty blog lovers to make their way through the harrowing maze of WORD VERIFICATION!
